Friday, January 23, 2015

More Than Ticks on a List

This post is based on a comment I wrote on the "Speckled Hatchback," Dorian Anderson's post Bicycling for Birds blog.  One of Dorian's thoughts really struck me:

We must remember that birds are ultimately more than ticks on a list. 

AMEN!  This is why I consider myself more of a "bird watcher" than a "birder." It is assuredly an unfair generalization, but I view "birders" as people who are all about taking ticks on a list.  "I got the bird" and on to the next one.  I always worry when I hear about birders behaving badly, that too many people do forget this.  When we go out, we need to remember we are in danger of disrupting what that bird is doing--whether it is staking out a territory or eating and resting to recover from the storm that blew it out of its normal range. In other words, we need to respect it as another living being.  I say this despite the fact that I pretty much want to see every species of bird on the planet before mankind makes the earth uninhabitable for them. 

For me bird watching is about the joy of seeing these marvelous creatures going about their business--whether it's the Pileated Woodpecker visiting my backyard suet cage and a snag along my fence line like she did this morning, or me traveling elsewhere to see Black-legged Kittiwakes and Razorbills in their native habitat.

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