Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More Spring Returns

CHIK-burr, CHIK-burr, CHIK-burr

Yet another bird call that I don't recognize when the songster appears in spring. This one is especially hard for me to remember because I hadn't heard nor seen him in years. As a matter of fact I didn't expect to see my Scarlet Tanager since the Town of Vienna allowed a beautiful three acre parcel of hard woods to be nearly clear cut for eight McMansions a few years ago! I learned a few years ago at the Department of Agriculture's Facility in Greenbelt, that the Scarlet Tanager is believed to need three acres of unbroken woods for each pair. I have to say I am very hopeful that these beautiful birds are adapting to their changing environment and learning to live in hedgerows in the suburbs.

I guess the little guy remembered my black cherry trees because there he was tonight on May 19 at 7:45pm , Chik-burring away. I still didn't recognize who was making the call, but as I scooped up Cardiac Cat and carried him toward the sound, the brilliant red with black wings sitting in our black cherry tree became unmistakable. He flitted off of course well before Cardiac Cat and I could get close enough to get a picture. (We'll discuss in a later post how unsuitable the iPhone is for taking bird pictures--especially of shy ones who prefer the canopy!)

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