New Years Day 10-1130am
Junco male - 12
Cardinals - 3 ( male adult 1; female/ juvenile -2)
Carolina Wren - 2 ( They were singing to each other)
Carolina Chickadee - 2
American Crow - 3
Nuthatch - 1
Titmouse -2
Blue Jay - 1
House Sparrow - 12 (4 male)
House finch - 4 (1 male)
White-throated Sparrow - 2 (1 black/white, 1 blck/brown head strip pattern)
Song Sparrow - 1
Mourning Doves -23
Downy Woodpecker -1
We're concerned we've seen far fewer Juncos this fall and winter than usual, despite the early snow.
Our junco population seems to be about normal. Hope yours will return soon. We posted a video showing our bird feeder after the first big snowfall of the season. Check it out at: